
  • Dhevi Dadi Kusumaningtyas Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
  • Pindo Asti Universitas Sains dan Teknoogi Komputer
  • Yosefa Maria Seran Universitas Sains dan Teknoogi Komputer
  • Endang Kustami Universitas Sains dan Teknoogi Komputer
  • Tri Imaliya Universitas Sains dan Teknoogi Komputer



Organizational Culture, Communication, Employee Engagement


This study investigates the influence of work satisfaction, organizational culture, and communication on employee engagement within private banks in Central Java. The study's population comprised 150 private bank employees in Central Java, categorized as millennials aged 27 to 41, representing the most significant workforce demographic. Utilizing a non-probability sampling strategy through purposive sampling methodology. Data gathering uses a questionnaire method, with each item evaluated using a Likert scale. The study employed the SEM-PLS technique for data analysis, utilizing the SmartPLS tool for data processing. The research findings indicate that communication positively and significantly influences employee engagement and job satisfaction, while organizational culture also positively and significantly affects both employee engagement and job satisfaction. The mediation test revealed that job satisfaction does not mediate substantially the connection between organizational culture and communication about employee engagement in private banks in Central Java.


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