Evaluasi Kebijakan Perlindungan Konsumen dalam Transaksi Digital di Indonesia: Studi Kebijakan dan Analisis SWOT
Digital Transactions, Consumer Protection, SWOT Analysis, Digital Economy IndonesiaAbstract
The rapid growth of digital transactions in Indonesia has significantly transformed consumer behavior and the economic landscape. Despite this progress, various challenges, particularly in consumer protection, remain unresolved. Current regulations, including the Consumer Protection Law (UUPK) and the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (UU ITE), provide a foundational legal framework, yet their implementation has been inconsistent and often ineffective. This research aims to evaluate the policies governing consumer protection in digital transactions and identify strategies for improvement. A qualitative approach, utilizing SWOT analysis, was employed to examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the existing framework. Data were gathered from in-depth interviews with stakeholders and analysis of relevant legal and policy documents. The findings reveal significant gaps in consumer literacy, ineffective dispute resolution mechanisms, and insufficient adoption of advanced technologies like blockchain. However, the rapid growth of the digital economy and initiatives such as "Indonesia Digital 2025" present substantial opportunities for strengthening consumer protection. Cybersecurity risks and reliance on foreign platforms remain critical threats that necessitate immediate attention. This study contributes by providing actionable recommendations for policymakers, including harmonizing regulations, enhancing digital literacy programs, and promoting local technological innovation. The findings also highlight the importance of collaboration between government, industry stakeholders, and international organizations to create a robust and inclusive digital ecosystem. These insights offer valuable guidance for future policy reforms and practical implementations in the context of Indonesia’s digital economy.
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