Pemodelan Sistem Prediksi Kelayakan Pengajuan Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah Dengan Metode C4.5 Dan Naive Bayes
A house for every human being is the main and most important need compared to others needs in general. A financial institution is an institution engaged in the financial sector where its customers are people from various walks of life with various behaviors. Lending is a business activity that carries a high risk and affects the business continuity of a banking company. The problem that is often faced in providing home loans is determining the decision to extend credit to prospective customers, while another problem is that not all home loan payments by customers can run well or commonly known as bad credit. One of the causes of bad credit is an assessment error in making credit decisions. Data mining is a process used to analyze cases in order to find the best performance of an algorithm being tested. One way to get information or patterns from a large data set is to use techniques in data mining. There are many classification methods that can be used to produce precise accuracy values. In this study, two classification algotihm methods are used in classifying the home crediting dataset, namely the C4.5 decision tree algorithm and the Naïve Bayes algorithm. The comparison of the two algorithms produces an accuracy value fo the Naïve Bayes algorithm of 36.36% and the Decision Tree C4.5 algorithm has an accuracy rate of 59.54%.