Analisis Sentimen Ulasan iPhone di Amazon Menggunakan Model Deep Learning BERT Berbasis Transformer


  • Arif Fitra Setyawan Universitas Widya Husada
  • Amelia Devi Putri Ariyanto Universitas Widya Husada
  • Fari Katul Fikriah Universitas Widya Husada
  • Rozaq Isnaini Nugraha Universitas Widya Husada



Amazon, BERT, e-commerce, iPhone reviews, sentiment analysis, text classification


This study aims to analyze the sentiment of iPhone product reviews fromAmazon using the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) model to classify reviews as either positive or negative. The dataset, sourced from Kaggle, includes text reviews and star ratings, where high ratings indicate positive sentiment and low ratings indicate negative sentiment. After text preprocessing steps, including data cleaning, tokenization, and sentiment labeling, the BERT model was fine-tuned for sentiment classification, with the data split into training, validation, and test sets. Evaluation results demonstrate that the BERT model achieves a high classification accuracy, with an accuracy rate of 93.9% and a balanced F1 score between precision and recall. Confusion matrix evaluation also indicates that the model consistently identifies both positive and negative sentiments. This study shows that Transformer-based models like BERT are highly effective in understanding customer opinions in e-commerce, with broad application potential for data-driven decision-making in marketing strategies and product development.




How to Cite

Arif Fitra Setyawan, Amelia Devi Putri Ariyanto, Fari Katul Fikriah, and Rozaq Isnaini Nugraha, “Analisis Sentimen Ulasan iPhone di Amazon Menggunakan Model Deep Learning BERT Berbasis Transformer”, ELKOM, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 447–452, Dec. 2024.