Kekerasan Seksual Pada Anak Dan Perempuan Dalam Prespektif Penology

  • Ilusya Nurussaadah Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Keywords: Sexual Violence and Children


Violence against children is anything that make children tormented, both physically, psychologically and mentally. Violence against children is an act of persecution or mistreatment of children in the form of physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect of parenting and exploitation for profit commercially real or innocuous harm health, survival, dignity or development, acts of violence obtained from the person responsible, trusted or authorized in the protection of the child.


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How to Cite
Ilusya Nurussaadah. (2023). Kekerasan Seksual Pada Anak Dan Perempuan Dalam Prespektif Penology. Hakim: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Dan Sosial, 1(3), 245-253.