A Literature Study on the Positive Effect of The Implementation of Biophilic Design Concept on Humans' Mental Health Using Case Study Method

  • Astrid Rahardjo Universitas Tanri Abeng
  • Robert Rianto Widjaja


The aim of a case study research method is to understand the meaning, the depth as well as the methods performed in previously done researches on any given context and phenomenon. Within the topic of the relationship between the use of biophilic architecture concept and its positive impact towards its users’ mental health, literature research under the same theme is of a necessity in order to gain a stronger base for next researches. This study is conducted using three case studies, each discussing their research backgrounds, the experimental and exploratory methods used, the results in details. Using case study method, this study has succeeded in extracting the finding and the gap of the research as described in form a table.


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How to Cite
Rahardjo, A., & Rianto Widjaja, R. (2024). A Literature Study on the Positive Effect of The Implementation of Biophilic Design Concept on Humans’ Mental Health Using Case Study Method. Pixel :Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis, 17(1), 10-18. https://doi.org/10.51903/pixel.v17i1.1653