Characterization Of Composition Error Summary Using Machine Learning Techniques And Natural Language Processing

  • Mars Caroline Wibowo Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
  • Budi Raharjo Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
Keywords: Composition Error Summary, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing


As software technology becomes more complex, software maintenance costs become more expensive. In connection with this, the development of software engineering makes the software system has many Composition choices that can be adjusted to the needs of the user. Error fixing involves analyzing Error Summary and modifying code. If bug-fixing steps are made as efficiently and effectively as possible then maintenance costs can be minimal. The purpose of this research is to establish a tool of machine learning for identifying Composition Error Summary and to find out the types of special Composition choices that can be used to save costs, time, and effort. In this study, the T-test was applied to appraise the analytical implication of conduct metrics when the “F-test” was taken to the Variance’s test. Classifiers used in this study are “All words” or “AW”, “Highly Informative Words” or “H-IW”, and “Highly Informative Words plus Bigram” or “H-WB”. Identical validation and Vexed validation techniques were used to calculate the effectiveness of machine learning tools. The results of this research denote that the instrument is competent for definitive Composition Error Summary and other Composition choices for definite Error Summary. This research determines the practicality of machine learning techniques in corrective issues relevant to Error summary. The result of this study also explained that Composition/non-Composition Error Summaries have contrasting aspects that can be accomplished by machine learning devices. The advanced tool could be upgraded in some areas to create it more powerful. The array identification section of the current study has limitations, an array with different words and Composition recognition tools tend to prefer Compositions with more words, so improvements to this could implicate consideration of the semantics of Error Summary, equivalent, and use of n-grams. Also, in using the technology of machine learning and Natural Language processing some advancements to be made to the present characterization structure so for future research it is highly recommended to clear up the first’s Error Summary before operating several operations in the present study.Composition Error Summary



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How to Cite
Mars Caroline Wibowo, & Budi Raharjo. (2023). Characterization Of Composition Error Summary Using Machine Learning Techniques And Natural Language Processing . Pixel :Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis, 16(1), 218 -247.