Pixel :Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel <p><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: 'Noto Sans', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;"><strong>Pixel </strong>:Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis merupakan Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Sains &amp; Teknologi Komputer (UNIVERSITAS STEKOM). Jurnal ini terbit 2 kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Juli dan Desember.&nbsp; Misi dari Jurnal Pixel adalah untuk menyebarluaskan, mengembangkan dan menfasilitasi hasil penelitian mengenai Ilmu bidang Desain, Media dan Ilmu Seni, sebagai media bagi para dosen, guru, peneliti dan para praktisi dalam bidang Desain, Media dan Ilmu Seni dari seluruh Indonesia, dalam melakukan pertukaran informasi tentang hasil-hasil penelitian terbaru yang telah dilakukan.</span></p> STEKOM PRESS en-US Pixel :Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis 1979-0414 Pengenalan Rumah Adat Nusantara Berbasis Mobile AR https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1221 <p>A traditional house is a house that has a characteristic building that symbolizes the culture of a region. The uniqueness of traditional houses in Indonesia is one of the learning materials for students in Indonesia. Books that are a medium for introducing traditional houses in Indonesia still have shortcomings in the form of limited visual display of traditional houses. So that it reduces children's interest in recognizing the traditional houses of the archipelago. This can lead to cultural erosion. Therefore, to increase interest and insight into the culture of this traditional house, technology and culture are combined. This combination uses augmented reality technology to introduce the traditional houses of the archipelago. Traditional houses are visualized through 3-dimensional objects in the android application. The augmented reality application developed is dynamic, so that the addition of content can be done without modifying the program code. This application will visualize 9 traditional houses from 9 provinces in Java, Nusa Tenggara, and Bali. The test results show an increase in knowledge of SDN Banjarmendalan students by 56% which means the application is quite effective to help students recognize the traditional houses of the archipelago and from the assessment of student satisfaction with the application get a score of 90.5% which means the application is enough to attract students to learn to recognize traditional houses.</p> Fardani Annisa Damastuti Jauari Akhmad Nur Hasim Irma Wulandari Darmawan Aditama Aji Sapta Pramulen Ibrohim Yofid Fananda Dita Aulia Rahma Copyright (c) 2023 Fardani Annisa Damastuti, Jauari Akhmad Nur Hasim, Irma Wulandari , Darmawan Aditama, Aji Sapta Pramulen, Ibrohim Yofid Fananda, Dita Aulia Rahma 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 16 2 1 13 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1221 Comparative Analysis of Webqual and E-Servqual for the ITTP PMB Website https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1239 <p>New Student Admission Website is one of the services to register online to become a student at the Telkom Institute of Technology Purwokerto. This research was conducted to Comparative Analysis of Webqual and E-Servqual methods on the New Student Admission (PMB) website of the Telkom Institute of Technology. In the development of the PMB website, there are shortcomings felt by prospective new students regarding features that are not used by the PMB unit of IT Telkom Purwokerto, but still appear when registering for new student admissions. both methods, it is found that the analysis of WEBQUAL and E-SERVQUAL methods is interrelated in improving the quality of service interaction. Factors such as reputation, information security, personalization, community space, ease of communication, and responsiveness to user problems play an important role in creating a good interaction experience for PMB ITTP website users.&nbsp;</p> Emya Ninta Tarigan Dedy Agung Prabowo Resad Setyadi Copyright (c) 2023 Emya Ninta Tarigan, Dedy Agung Prabowo, Resad Setyadi 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 16 2 14 25 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1239 PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN MOTOR LISTRIK PT. TALABU https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1291 <p>This journal discusses the information system that will be designed as a means of selling electric motor by PT Talabu.Traditional motor cars are being replaced by more ecologically friendly electric motors, which are growing in popularity. PT. Talabu, an electric motor sales company, faces problems in inventory management and sales processes. This study's primary goal is to develop a sales information system that can help PT. Talabu in managing inventory and its operations. This research uses system needs analysis, database design, and user interface development. At the stage of analysis of system needs, the researchers found the primary needs of PT. Talabu to conduct sales operations and inventory management. This analysis shows that a database is intended to store data about customers, electric motors, and sales transactions. In addition, the app is simple to use and user-friendly.</p> Edo Arribe Anjally Jayema Fikri Wanda Putra Copyright (c) 2023 Edo Arribe, Anjally Jayema, Fikri Wanda Putra 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 16 2 26 38 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1291 PEMBUATAN FILM DOKUMENTER “SENI ANYAMAN SUMBER KEHIDUPAN” DENGAN METODE CYCLIC STRATEGY https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1315 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>The community's life in Sambas has long been known for its handicrafts, specifically bamboo and rattan crafts, which boast unique diversities. The art of weaving bamboo and rattan has been a source of livelihood and an integral part of Malay culture that needs to be preserved. Therefore, media is required as a means of preservation, and one of the approaches is by creating a documentary film. This research aims to produce a documentary film as a cultural preservation medium. The making of this documentary film employs the cyclic strategy method and applies cinematography techniques in video recording.Based on the results of testing by two media experts, the film received a score of 90%, while two subject matter experts gave it a score of 88%. Furthermore, from 30 respondents, 91.73% expressed their strong agreement with the content, indicating that the documentary film is suitable for publication. It has a duration of 19 minutes and 22 seconds, with an H.264 1080p format, specifically MP4.</em></p> Ethi Muliati Noferianto Sitompul Vanie Wijaya Copyright (c) 2023 Ethi Muliati, Noferianto Sitompul, Vanie Wijaya 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 16 2 39 48 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1315 ANIMASI 2D CERITA RAKYAT PAK SALOI “BERBURU KIJANG” DENGAN MENERAPKAN METODE MDLC https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1387 <p>2D-based animated films are a medium that is liked by children to adults, through social media 2D animation can be disseminated so that anyone who sees it will get information.<br>Helping to introduce tradition through 2D animation is the aim of this research, namely with the title “Graphic Design Of Objects In Making 2D Animation Films Of Pak Saloi Folklore “Hunting Deer” By Applying The MDLC Method using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method which has 6 stages, namely, concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing and distribution. It is hoped that the existence of this 2D-based animated film can become a medium of information about Mr.Saloi Folklore “Hunting the Deer”.</p> Apriadi Apriadi Mitha Mitha Noferianto Sitompul Salahuddin Salahuddin Copyright (c) 2023 apriadi Apriadi, Mitha Mitha, Noferianto Sitompul Noferianto, Salahuddin Salahuddin 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 16 2 49 57 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1387 ANKAI SITELU: KOREOGRAFI TERINSPIRASI DARI SISTEM KEKERABATAN PADA MASYARAKAT KARO https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1431 <p>Ankai sitelu is taken from the Batak Karo language, the word ankai means understanding and sitelu which means sitiga. If these three words are interpreted, they mean a dance that originates from understanding rakut sitelu. " ankai sitelu" is a dance work inspired by the Batak Karo kinship system, namely rakut sitelu. Rakut sitelu consists of sukut, kalimbubu, and anak beru. Sukut is the party who is the host in a traditional or ritual ceremony, kalimbubu is the party who is highly respected because he is considered to be the representative of dibata (god) on earth who gives tendi and blood, while anak beru is the party who does the sukut work in traditional ceremonies and rituals. This work takes the essence of balance in the rakut sitelu system with traditional karo dance movement patterns which are developed according to broader teba movement intensity, volume, level and time.</p> <p>Ankai Sitelu's work is a group choreography consisting of three female dancers, a total of three dancers who will be composed in a large group and small group composition by paying attention to the composition of the parts. The number of three dancers is analogous to three social positions in the Rakut Sitelu kinship system. This work uses the exploration method as an initial part in developing the creativity of the creation process, improvisation to find movements by chance or spontaneously, composition to arrange the movements that have been obtained, as well as periodic corrective evaluation of the process. This work is expected to provide information about the meaning and values contained in Rakut Sitelu.</p> <p>Keywords: Rakut sitelu, balance, Karo Batak tradition</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> DESY WULAN PITA SARI DAMANIK Copyright (c) 2023 DESY WULAN PITA SARI DAMANIK 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 16 2 58 80 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1431 DESIGN OF A VISUAL BOOK OF GORONTALO CULTURAL HERITAGE AS A FORM OF PRESERVATION AND EDUCATION OF INDONESIA'S CULTURE HISTORY https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1377 <p>sejarah panjang Kota Gorontalo mencatat bahwa banyak bangunan benda cagar budaya bersejarah menyimpan kenangan masa lalu dan menjadi bukti perkembangan Kota Gorontalo itu sendiri. Peninggalan sejarah berupa bangunan benda cagar budaya sangatlah bermanfaat sebagai pembangkit motivasi, kreativitas dan mengilhami generasi muda untuk memahami sejarah dan identitas Kota Gorontalo.(1) Keberagaman bangunan cagar budaya kota Gorontalo menjadi daya tarik utama wisatawan, namun sayangnya masih banyak yang belum mengetahui&nbsp; bangunan cagar budaya yang ada. Maka dirancanglah sebuah buku dengan tujuan mampu memperkenalkan&nbsp; keragaman warisan budaya kota Gorontalo dari perspektif sejarah dan budaya. Manfaat&nbsp; dari Penelitian&nbsp; yaitu Mendorong masyarakat&nbsp; Gorontalo untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan jenis benda cagar budaya sebagai peninggalan bersejarah di Gorontalo yang memiliki nilai-nilai historis .Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitaitf&nbsp;&nbsp; dan design thingking . Hasil dari perancangan ini adalah&nbsp; terciptanya Buku Visual cagar budaya dengan media utama berupa buku&nbsp;&nbsp; referensi/monograf yang berisi ilustrasi bangunan cagar budaya dan kondisi lingkungan yang mempengaruhinya.&nbsp; Dan Media pendukung&nbsp; berupa pembatas buku, notes, dan katalog</p> Risti Puspita Sari Hunowu Muhammad Isla Copyright (c) 2023 Risti puspita sari hunowu, Muhammad Isla 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 16 2 81 95 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1377 the Tokusatsu Style in Islamic Comics Titled Ultimate Glad https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1417 <p>Tokusatsu is one of the popular Japanese culture in the world, including in Indonesia. This research is a Tokusatsu style analysis research on an Islamic themed comic entitled Ultimate Glad. This study was conducted to find out why the Ultimate Glad comic chose the Tokusatsu style to be combined with the Islamic theme, and to find out whether there are advantages and disadvantages of the Tokusatsu style combined in the Islamic comic entitled Ultimate Glad. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with data sources obtained from interviews with the publishers of Ultimate Glad comics, documentation, and testimonials from readers of Ultimate Glad comics. From this research, it can be benefited that the Tokusatsu style from Japan can be combined well with other themes, including Islamic themes, even with methods that are not easy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ayyub HBN hamdanu Dena Naufa Nabilla Santi Widiastuti Copyright (c) 2023 Ayyub HBN hamdanu, Dena Naufa Nabilla, Santi Widiastuti 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 16 2 96 105 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1417 DESIGN OF INFORMATION MEDIA REGISTRATION FLOW FOR NEW STUDENT ACCEPTANCE OF ICHSAN GORONTALO UNIVERSITY THROUGH INFOGRAPHICS https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1414 <p>Ichsan Gorontalo University is one of the favorite private universities in Gorontalo province. Every year there are hundreds of registrants from various regions. The aim of the research is to provide information on registration procedures for prospective new students in a way that is interesting and easy to understand. The lack of social media for prospective new students regarding the steps that must be taken to be officially registered as students at Ichsan University Gorontalo often causes applicants to find it difficult to register. This research uses interview methods with New Student Admissions (PMB) employees, observations of prospective applicants and literature studies on books, journals and research-related literature as reference material. In making this infographic, you use a combination of various media, such as writing and images which are packaged using Adobe Illustrator software to produce a poster or banner. The results of this research are registration flow infographics in the form of posters and banners which can be disseminated online via the New Student Admissions (PMB) website and social media at Ichsan Gorontalo University and can be displayed on the Ichsan Gorontalo University campus.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Risti Puspita Sari Hunowu Apsari Dj.Hasan Samsuddin Samsuddin Muhammad fahri labanga Copyright (c) 2023 Risti puspita sari hunowu 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 16 2 106 114 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1414 DESIGNING 3D ANIMATION FOR DENTAL HEALTH CARE USING MDLC METHOD https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1432 <p>Health education is one of the most important thing to be learn since early age like washing hands and brushing teeth. But because of the lack of education a lot of people in the community don’t know the ways to take care of their own teeth. The consequence of lack of education create a problem for a a lot of people in the community which is tooth ache. The effort that could be done to fix the problem is to create a learning media that is easy to understand and have the capability to share information widely. Because of that, animation 3D become a choice for this research to educate people in the community about dental health and how to take care of it. The method that the researcher use in this research is qualitative interview, researcher will do an interview with a dentist to get information about how to take care of your teeth. After getting the information it will then be used to create animation 3D. the method that is being used to create animation 3D is MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) which has 6 stages, namely Concept, Design, Material Collecting, Assembly, Testing and Distribution after the animation is finished its being shared to social media such as Youtube and Instagram.</p> <p>Keywords: MDLC, Animation 3D, Qualitative Interview</p> Bayu Syahputra Jimmy Pratama Vinson Vinson Copyright (c) 2023 Bayu Syahputra, Jimmy Pratama, Vinson Vinson 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 16 2 115 123 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1432 Challenging Gameplay and Its Impact on Player Motivation in Gaming https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1437 <p>The Video Game Industry is a subsidiary of the entertainment industry that is still growing. Video Games come in different genres and have unique experiences for every player. One of those unique games is the souls-like genre. The souls-like genre is games designed with a high difficulty level, with a dedicated fanbase that loves games with these genres. In this research, we would like to conduct research about Challenging Gameplay and Its Impact on Player Motivation in Gaming. In this research we used the experimental method to observe players’ reaction during the experiment and followed up with an interview. This experiment's result shows that participants who experience setbacks &amp; defeat multiple times still show interest towards playing a game that has challenging gameplay outside of this experiment.</p> Tony Wibowo Harley Hardiwinata Copyright (c) 2023 Tony Wibowo, Harley Hardiwinata 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 16 2 124 132 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1437 Perancangan Desain Packaging Untuk Aksesoris Pernikahan Wedding Planner Dodok Lawang Banyumanik Semarang https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1480 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Product packaging has a very important role in attracting consumers, making consumers select the goods and serving as a tool for brand promotion. Using images, colors, and text, graphic designers can apply design principles to produce visually appealing packaging, highlight the benefits of a product, and give it a unique personality. Dodok Lawang runs a business in the form of services, namely making dowries, gifts, ring boxes and gift boxes. In this research, we developed packaging making/with the aim of renewing old packaging so that it appears more attractive. The form of packaging for the wedding planner is in the form of boxes and paper bags, as well as leaflets with a simple but still elegant design concept. validation from media experts and material expert have a result that the product is valid to be used as a protecting/wrapping of product properly. From the user's side, this design is effective because the information and visuals acquired from the packaging design are better understood by the user.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> setiyo adi nugroho Rizka Amalia Yulfiani Ahmad Zaenudin rudjiono rudjiono Copyright (c) 2023 setiyo adi nugroho, Rizka Amalia Yulfiani, Ahmad Zaenudin, rudjiono rudjiono 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 16 2 133 140 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1480 LEARNING MEDIA PLANNING FOR CLASS XII BLENDER ANIMATION SUBJECTS SMK KANAAN UNGARAN https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1515 <p>The aim of this research is to create flash-based animation learning media for students at Kanaan Ungaran Vocational School, as well as increasing students' interest in learning animation. The method used is Research and Development, namely a method that develops a particular product such as animation-based learning media. This research was motivated by the discovery of a lack of media for learning animation at Kanaan Ungaran Vocational School, especially in class XI Multimedia animation lessons. Due to the lack of learning media, this creates students' interest and motivation in learning animation, so the author can conclude that students need a media that can generate learning motivation. The result of this research is an application from Adobe Flash CS6 which is an application that contains interactive animations that can be played by</p> Daniel Rudjiono Setyo Adi Nugroho Agus priyadi Krisna Danu Aji Saputra Copyright (c) 2023 Daniel Rudjiono 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 16 2 141 152 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1515 PEMBUATAN FILM ANIMASI 3D “BUAH TANGAN BERBUAH KENANGAN” DENGAN METODE MDLC https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1316 <p><strong><em>Sambas has a traditional craft of songket cloth known as Kain lunggi or kain Bannang ammas because the motif is woven from gold and silver colored threads. Lunggi fabric has many weaving motifs, one of the most famous weaving motifs is the motif of bamboo shoots (Pucuk Rebung). But not a few people who do not know other motifs besides woven fabrics and other information about the motif of Sambas woven fabrics that are already quite global. So it is important to convey this information to the public interestingly. One of the media that can be used is through 3D animated films. This study was conducted by applying the MDLC method in which the process of modeling, rigging texturing, editing and animating in it. Based on the test results of 2 media experts at 84%, 2 material experts at 89%, and 30 general public at 89.46%, this animated film deserves to be published with a duration of 15 minutes and mp4 format.</em></strong></p> nurhayati nurhayati Muhammad Azizul Rezi Kurmazi Milda Surgani Firdania Noferianto Sitompul Copyright (c) 2023 nurhayati nurhayati, Muhammad Azizul, Rezi Kurmazi, Milda Surgani Firdania, Noferianto Sitompul 2023-12-14 2023-12-14 16 2 153 164 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1316 Cooperative Game Play to Assess Friendship Quality: Experimental study on Students in Batam https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1519 <p>Video games are a form of entertainment that are very popular with the primary reason people play games being for social reasons that resulted in the co-op genre becoming one of the most popular genres to be played. The aim of this research is to see analyze the viability of using cooperative video games specifically overcooked! 2 as a way of getting players to show certain behaviors that can be used to assess their friendship quality and also to see whether playing together has an effect towards the friendship quality between friends. This research will be done using an experimental method in which the writer will observe the players throught their session and following up with an interview. After the experiment was completed the author was able to reach the conclusion that cooperative video games can be used to bring out behaviors that can be used evaluate friendship quality and also effect friendship quality even if only temporary.</p> Diny Anggriani Adnas Gary Phua Copyright (c) 2023 Diny Anggriani Adnas, Gary Phua 2023-12-14 2023-12-14 16 2 165 171 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1519 VISUAL SEMIOTICS OF THE ICHSAN GORONTALO UNIVERSITY LOGO https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1549 <p>This research uses qualitative methods with semiotic analysis from Roland Barhes. Semiotics is a method for analyzing signs to find meaning in social and cultural phenomena. The aim of this research is to find out what visual meaning is contained in the Ichsan Gorontalo University logo which is used as an agency identity in terms of denotation, connotation and myth. Corporate identity is a reflection of the vision and mission which are visualized through the logo. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, namely the data collected is in the form of words and images. With the right logo, the message regarding the company's desired identity can be represented effectively. Data collection techniques use documentation/library techniques and observation. The results of this research will explain the meaning of the Ichsan Gorontalo University logo which has signs/symbols and colors that will be differentiated based on Roland Barthes' approach.</p> Siska Udilawaty Kemal Ilham Pramudya Wicandri Pasambuna Copyright (c) 2023 Siska udilawaty, Kemal Ilham Pramudya, Wicandri Pasambuna 2023-12-14 2023-12-14 16 2 172 179 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1549 Desain Brand Identity Coconut Orchids Nursery https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1421 <p>Identity is a way that distinguishes the character or innate nature of living things, things, or humans themselves that characterize them. Brand Identity is a sign of identifying an identity of a brand as a differentiator from other brands. Brand Identity design can be notarized successfully when the brand identity represents a brand, in its delivery in the form of logos, applications, on stationary sets and on promotional media.<br>Coconut Orchids Nursery is an orchid flower cultivation place that has a fairly complete orchid collection. Coconut Orchids Nursery plans to develop its business. In order for the planning to be measurable, it is necessary to design strategic planning in the form of strategy plots and work programs. Brand identity design is needed as a standard strategy program in a business / company. In order to be effective, a brand identity must be distinguishable from competing brands and be able to represent the product, service, or company over time. Efforts in achieving brand identity must be done with full commitment and consistency because the benefits will be worth it if successful.</p> Fitro Nur Hakim Adi Rizqa Naja Copyright (c) 2023 Fitro N, Adi Rizqa Naja 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 16 2 180 189 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1421 Application of the Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) Method in Interactive Learning Media Fashion Drawing with Class X Boutique Fashion Skills Competency at SMK NU 01 Kendal https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1430 <p><em>Based on research conducted in SMK NU 01 Kendal, especially in fashion drawing learning in class X busana butik still uses conventional learning with blackboard media, the learning media is less effective because it requires a lot of energy and time for learning material that contains many pictures and tutorials that need to be delivered repeatedly. This study found a solution that is the design of learning media using the Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) method, a system for delivering interactive multimedia-based learning with instructional material presented by means of a computer or computer system., so that it can help teachers deliver material effectively</em><em>,</em><em> and make students learn with high motivation because they are interested in multimedia systems that are able to present the appearance of text, images, videos, sounds and animations. The validation value by media experts shows that the value of 3.1 is classified as good / valid, and the validation results from material experts show a value of 3.5 which is categorized as very good / very valid, and an increase in the percentage value of effectiveness from 50.4% to 81.7%. and there is time efficiency, one of material such as collar images can save up to 18 minutes.</em></p> Setiyo Prihatmoko Sumaryanto Sumaryanto Anja Robbi Dini Copyright (c) 2023 Setiyo Prihatmoko 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 16 2 190 207 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1430 Factors Influencing E-Banking Use In Batam: A User Perception Analysis https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1564 <p>Studi ini menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adopsi dan penggunaan perbankan elektronik di Batam, Indonesia, mengingat lonjakan global dan regional dalam e-banking. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk melihat bagaimana kenyamanan, aksesibilitas, penghematan biaya, dan kualitas layanan mempengaruhi adopsi dan penggunaan berkelanjutan dari layanan ini, memberikan wawasan untuk membantu lembaga keuangan dan pembuat kebijakan merumuskan strategi yang lebih mempromosikan adopsi e-banking. Menggunakan metodologi penelitian kuantitatif, menampilkan enam variabel: kegunaan yang dirasakan, norma subjektif, kemudahan penggunaan yang dirasakan, niat untuk menggunakan, teknologi yang dirasakan, dan risiko yang dirasakan. Data, yang dikumpulkan dari 400 peserta melalui survei, menunjukkan bahwa variabel spesifik tidak terpengaruh oleh semua kecuali tiga persepsi kegunaan, teknologi, dan bahaya. Anehnya, ketika datang ke e-banking, norma subjektif memiliki dampak yang jauh lebih kuat pada konsumen daripada kenyamanan penggunaan pada keinginan mereka untuk menggunakan. Untuk penelitian ke depan, pandangan demografis yang lebih jelas dapat diperoleh dengan mempertimbangkan target responden dan memperluas cakupan di luar Kota Batam.</p> Mulyanto Mulyanto Angga Wahyudi Ile Arbertus Ari Firmansah Jhon Lim Copyright (c) 2023 Ile Albertus 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 16 2 208 219 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1564 PERENCANAAN TITIK LAHAN PARKIR UMUM PADA KAWASAN KOMERSIAL JL. BOULEVARD DAN JL. PENGAYOMAN, KOTA MAKASSAR https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1573 <p>Jl. Boulevard and Jl. Pengayoman is a commercial area in Makassar City. Jl. Boulevard and Jl. Protection is quite strategic because it can be reached by all levels of society from various means of transportation. Various community activities such as walking, jogging, shopping, office activities, etc. have resulted in the increase in parking for visitors' vehicles in the area, covering the shoulders of the road and pedestrians. From the results of our previous research, it is clear that the cause of illegal parking that occurs in the commercial areas of Jalan Boulevard and Jalan Pengayoman is the limited parking space in each commercial building and the standard for calculating parking spaces in the commercial areas of Jalan Boulevard and Jalan Pengayoman. This is what causes the loss of user comfort and the change in pedestrian function to illegal parking in the Jl. Boulevard and Jl. Pengayoman is therefore an action that is contrary to Islamic Sharia which is haram because it is illegal, does not comply with local legal regulations and also harms other people. So, to restore the comfort and function of pedestrians in the commercial area of Jl. Boulevard and Jl. Pengayoman, we will carry out further research with the title "Planning Public Parking Areas in Commercial Areas on Jalan Boulevard and Jalan Pengayoman in Makassar City", where this research is to solve the problem of lack of parking spaces so that there is no more illegal parking in commercial areas on Jalan Boulevard and Jalan Protection of Makassar City. Data analysis uses qualitative and quantitative analysis which is used to explain the results of survey interviews with users and observations carried out on Jl. Boulevard and Jl. Pengayomanof Makassar City with the results of a literature review regarding parking spaces. This research is expected to provide a real picture to researchers as academics and the government as policy makers regarding public facilities built for the common good, as study material to determine policies that might be implemented to improve or add to these public facilities, and as a source a reference for writers who might carry out studies on urban planning.</p> Arinda Wahyuni Ahmad Nadhil Edar Gusti Hardiyanti Musda Copyright (c) 2023 Arinda Wahyuni 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 16 2 220 234 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1573 Systematic Literature Review terhadap Klasifikasi Emosi pada Lirik Lagu Berbahasa Ambon menggunakan Metode Bidirectional LSTM dengan Glove Word Representation Weighting https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1641 <p><em>One form of text that can express emotions is lyrics. Lyrics are a type of literary work expressed in the form of words, the contents of which can express the songwriter's personal feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Therefore, the lyrics can be used as an object of research on the classification of emotions. The classification of song lyrics really requires bi-LSTM to be the input value when classifying data in the form of song lyrics in order to get high accuracy results. This research was carried out systematically and the results were measurable. Descriptive qualitative research was used in this research. The results of identification based on case studies and statistics show that the reviews of popular topics are identical. The classification of song lyrics really requires bi-LSTM to be the input value when classifying data in the form of song lyrics in order to get high accuracy results.</em></p> Kholida Zia Abidin Arief Setyanto Rudyanto Arief Copyright (c) 2024 Kholida Zia Abidin, Arief Setyanto, Rudyanto Arief 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 16 2 235 244 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1641 ANIME MASCOT CHARACTER DESIGN TO IMPROVE VIULA STUDIO'S MARKETING https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1648 <p>A mascot is a character or symbol used to represent a brand, product or company. Mascots aim to create a strong, easily recognizable identity and give a positive impression. The definition of a mascot is very important in relation to the branding carried out by the company. In this article the author wants to design a work about mascot design based on the background of one of the studios in the Semarang city area, namely Viula Studio. VIULA STUDIO wants to strengthen its identity by showing its identity using its own logo and also wants to have its own mascot.<br><br></p> Adelia Aura Diva Zainanda Hersatoto Listiyono Copyright (c) 2024 Adelia Aura Diva Zainanda, Hersatoto Listiyono 2024-01-03 2024-01-03 16 2 245 249 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1648 Sistem Informasi Laundry sesuai Syar’at Islam Berbasis Web https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1781 <p>A well-prepared abstract enables the reader to Information Technology is very developed in the business world, both small businesses and medium to upper enterprises have all used technology, with the existence of technology the community can change the way of thinking to follow developments. With the existence of computer information systems can provide information quickly and accurately.there are some consumers in the field who hesitate to laundry their clothes because there is still a thought whether washing has been sharia or not, with there is information technology.</p> Amna Amna Ratna Dewi Putri Salsabila Rahmadi Asri Lenawati Asry Copyright (c) 2024 Amna Amna, Ratna Dewi, Putri Salsabila, Rahmadi Asri, Lenawati Asri 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 16 2 250 258 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1781 Incubator Penetasan Telur Ayam Berbasis Arduino https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1792 <p>Naturally, a mother hen incubates her eggs until they hatch completely. However, the success rate of natural hatching is low, and hatching can be completed with a maximum of 10 eggs. Chicken farming, more specifically the chicken egg hatching system, breeders usually use an incubator for the process of hatching chicken eggs. In the incubator, there is a lamp that has been provided which is used for the process of warming the eggs so that the eggs can hatch properly and of good quality with incandescent lamps. In general, the process of hatching eggs often encounters problems or obstacles. The obstacle that is often experienced when hatching chicken eggs is that the incubator only uses incandescent lights. Therefore, to avoid this problem, a microcontroller was designed to overcome this problem. This tool is a combination of a microcontroller with an Arduino-based temperature and humidity sensor. With this tool, after the eggs hatch, when the lights are off, the sensor can read the output in the form of the incubator temperature, which is detected by the Arduino serial display. Design methods and experimental methods were used in this research. Tool testing is divided into three types, namely temperature testing, humidity testing and egg load testing. The result of this research is an automatic egg incubator machine that uses Arduino. Several electronic components used in the incubator are Arduino,</p> Rahmadi Asri Ratna Dewi Amna Amna Riska Yurianda Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmadi Asri, Ratna Dewi, Amna Amna, Riska Yurianda 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 16 2 259 269 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1792 ANALYSIS OF WEBSITE QUALITY LINTASARTA.NET USING WEBQUAL 4.0 METHOD AT PT. LINTASARTA CENTRAL JAKARTA https://journal.stekom.ac.id/index.php/pixel/article/view/1793 <p>Website is a form of mass media that is published through internet network that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. To know the quality of a website it is necessary to measure, by doing measurement of the quality of a website can be known user satisfaction against the website. In this study using the WebQual 4.0 method refers to the three core dimensions representing the quality of a Website, namely usability, Information Quality, Service Interaction Quality. This research was conducted using a questionnaire the population of this study were Lintasarta employees, sample from this study 28 questionnaires. After the data is obtained, it is tested for validity and reliability. In this study, the regression analysis used the assumption test classical, and multiple linear analysis. Then for hypothesis testing F test and t test are used. The results obtained in this study are Usability Quality, Information Quality and Interaction quality have a positive effect on consumer satisfaction.</p> Dedi Irawan Sulistianto Sutrisno Wanda Copyright (c) 2024 Sulistianto Sutrisno Wanda 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 16 2 270 281 10.51903/pixel.v16i2.1793