Analisis Penggunaan Sistem Proporsional Tertutup Dalam Pesta Demokrasi 2024

  • Loeky Kristanto Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman
  • Tri Sosilowati Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman
Keywords: Election, System, Closed


Elections are very important in an effort to maintain the sovereignty of the people and democracy of the Indonesian state. A good election must pay attention to the system and the consequences of the system used. Indonesia is one of the countries that applies a proportional electoral system. The proportional system used by Indonesia since 1955 has two forms, namely a closed proportional system and an open proportional system. Indonesia currently uses an open proportional system after previously using a closed proportional system in 1998. However, in 2019 the open proportional system caused losses for Indonesia, ranging from money politics, a large budget spent by the government, to the loss of 527 lives of election organizers. This phenomenon has led researchers to examine the closed proportional system as a solution in the 2024 elections using normative research with a conceptual approach until researchers have the assumption that a closed proportional system by tightening the rules of the internal party system in the recruitment of people's representatives can be the answer to the weaknesses of the open operational system.


How to Cite
Loeky Kristanto, & Tri Sosilowati. (2023). Analisis Penggunaan Sistem Proporsional Tertutup Dalam Pesta Demokrasi 2024. Jaksa : Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum Dan Politik, 2(1), 102-111.