News Production Process of the BPJS Public Service Rubric on the Depok Info News Portal
Case studies, online media, production processAbstract
The aim of this research is to find out whether the Info Depok news portal has implemented the editorial stage. Using the Case Study research method, post-positivism paradigm. Research Results from the News Production Process of the BPJS Public Service Rubric on the Info Depok News Portal. In the desk meeting stage, projection meeting, and budgeting meeting. It is understood that the Info Depok news portal did not hold this meeting like other news portals. The information received by the editor from Info Depok journalists was only processed by Milad Yaumil Karim as editor of Info Depok. Next, the script writing stage, Info Depok journalists will write, needs to be carried out by the editor of the Info Depok news portal to avoid words or information that is contrary to journalistic ethics, so Info Depok journalists also go through a revision process after the draft has been created. "21 List of Hospitals in Depok Collaborating with BPJS Health in 2022". The next stage of editing news manuscripts is carried out by Info Depok journalists, namely directly through the Personal Blog ( Copying several other news stories that have been determined and then changing some of the words so that they look different but still contain the same meaning and meaning. news that is very appropriate to the discussion so there is no need to rewrite it. Finally, news that has gone through the stages of the production process from the blogger page owned by Info Depok is published directly on the Info Depok website. The conclusion of this research is that the BPJS Public Service Rubric News Production Process on the Info Depok News Portal does not go through an editorial stage, which results in the possibility of errors in the information obtained. The advice that researchers give is that the Info Depok team should immediately implement editorial stages and improve news writing using editorial stages, so that they can reduce errors in conveying information through news created by Info Depok.References
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